The Bible and Its World:
An International Academic Conference in Israel

Thank you for everyone that took part in this conference! Organizers, participants and guests.

Jerusalem, 1-3 July, 2024

To the Full Conference Program, click here.

To the tours program, click here.

About Us

This conference is the joint initiative of departments of Biblical Studies from universities and colleges in Israel, in cooperation with the World Union of Jewish Studies and co-sponsoring institutions from around the globe. The conference is a tribute to Israeli Bible scholars whose research was interrupted–and whose personal lives were affected–by the war begun on October 7, 2023. Many biblical scholars in Israel were called to long military service, were displaced from their homes, could not reach their places of work or libraries, and were affected physically and mentally. Many lost loved ones, and are suffering and mourning.

This international conference will offer scholars from Israel and abroad the opportunity to present and discuss papers relating to the Hebrew Bible and its world, broadly defined, using the appropriate source languages (a list of potential topics and sessions is provided in the Proposal Forms). The conference, which welcomes a variety of approaches and methodologies, will be held in person in Jerusalem. This conference is largely supported by the generous support of Hartley Koschitzky, the World Union of Jewish Studies, and additional institutions from Israel and abroad. We hope it will serve as fertile ground for local and international academic collaboration.



Proposals, including a proper abstract of no more than 250 words, should be submitted using these forms by February 29, 2024; responses will be provided by March 31, 2024. Presenters of accepted papers will be asked to finalize their registration by April 30, 2024.

The conference will include presentations in Hebrew and English. Each researcher may offer one paper.

  • Proposals that were accepted to academic conferences during the time of war, such as the November 2023 SBL and ASOR Annual Meetings, but were not presented there, will be automatically accepted.
  • New proposals will undergo peer review.
  • You are invited to propose a session, typically of 3-4 participants. To submit a session proposal please provide the titles of the papers and the participants’ details (note, however, that each participant will also need to submit an individual paper proposal).